Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Smoker Test Meter

Smoke is a modern 'lifestyle'. And every 31 May is the World No Tobacco Day. Almost every human being know what smoke is.

Do u know smoke has a poison that could spread a disease like, cancer, chronic bronchitis, emfisema, etc. 90% smoker dying from cancer caused by smoke.

Which smoker are you?

  • Very Heavy Smoker. Consumed more than 31 of cigarettes a day. And he have to smoke 5 minutes after morning wake up.

  • Heavy Smoker. Consumed 21-30 cigarettes every day, and have to smoke 6-30 minutes after wake up.

  • Medium Smoker Consumed 11-20 cigarettes every day and smoking 31-60 minutes after wake up.

  • Standard Smoker, consumed about ten cigarettes a day and smoking 60 minutes after wake up.
If you are the Very Heavy Smoker guy, you don't have to waste your time to consume as that much. Try to decrease the numbers and be a Standard Smoker or try hard to freeze it now.



Great work.

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