Saturday, June 14, 2008

Mr XXX Smoke

Mr X, 34 years old, live in Jakarta. His wife is dying in Singapore because of lounge cancer. She died because of passive smoke cigarettes from their living house. Mr X is a Heavy Smoker. Their room becoming yellow because of smoke tar and nicotine. Both of their five and seven years children always caught and always. Now Mr X decide to stop smoking but it is late.

Do you think this is just a story??

I don't think so..

You may add more list of story like that but you also could make a miracle and tell the others to stop like you did.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Smoking is healthy

What do know about smoke? In our daily life the smoker think that

  • Low tar/nicotines smoke is better.
    There is no different between low and high tar. There is no prove to say that low tar cigarettes could reduce hearts attack. The fact is low tar cigarettes responsible for adenocarcinoma (a kind of cancer that found in lounge)

  • Consuming a low numbers of cigarettes is not dangerous.
    You say smoking just for every week or just a few of cigarettes a day is safe. But this statement is wrong. Because there is prove that a few of cigarettes also dangerous for your health.

    This statement is according to the fact that passive smoker also have a risk after 30 minutes breath with cigarettes smoke. This is enough to react his artery and make his blood unstable. This could make a heart working unusually.

    Passive smoker who lives with the smoker has 25% risk to get lounge cancer and heart attack.

  • Smoking but not addictive.
    According to report published by Royal College of Physicians, nicotine has an addictive like heroin and cocaine. This is caused by nicotine can react dopamine output - that will make you feel happy.

  • Smoking against the weight
    This is true. The people usually become fat after stop smoke. But this is not permanently because after a few years later their body will become normal again.

  • There no advantages to stop because i have smoke for a long time
    There is no matter how old are you or how long have you been smoking. There is always advantages if you stop smoking.
    More you smoke is more change to have disease and the lounge cancer. But if you stop smoking, it means that you give your lounge to healing proses.

  • Menthol cigarettes is better.
    Menthol cigarettes has no different with others. The cigarettes just had a menthol taste and once again there is no different of them.
And now, what should i do? Stop smoking or increase my daily smoking activity and make the cigarettes factory owner become billionaire? :)

All is up to you dear. . . ^_^

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Smoke History

at 600 BC, tobacco is start to plant is United States. At 600, Fang Yizhi (a China Philosopher) say that smoking activity is dangerous for lounge.

In 1950 there is two publications published a bad things research caused by smoking for health. And 1981 there is a big research about passive smoker in Japan.

And the history still continue until now..
Today predict that there is 1.26 billion people who smoke and more that 200million of them is woman.

Every year not least than 700 million children got cigarette smoke and become a passive smoker. And 4 million people dying every year caused by cigarettes smoke.

Without prevention, predicted in 2030 will be 1.6 billion of smoker, 770 million deaths, 770 million children become a passive smoker, and at that time 20%-25% of death is caused by cigarettes.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Smoke in Economy

World lost more than 200 billion USD/year.

If there is 1.3 billion people in the world that have earning < style="font-style: italic;">Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Costa Rica, Lithuania, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Uganda, and Zimbabwe.

How many dollars do you spent in that case?

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

How Your Lounge Breath When Smoke

Do you know every single cigarettes is very dangerous??

See how is your lounge with cigarettes

Smoker Test Meter

Smoke is a modern 'lifestyle'. And every 31 May is the World No Tobacco Day. Almost every human being know what smoke is.

Do u know smoke has a poison that could spread a disease like, cancer, chronic bronchitis, emfisema, etc. 90% smoker dying from cancer caused by smoke.

Which smoker are you?

  • Very Heavy Smoker. Consumed more than 31 of cigarettes a day. And he have to smoke 5 minutes after morning wake up.

  • Heavy Smoker. Consumed 21-30 cigarettes every day, and have to smoke 6-30 minutes after wake up.

  • Medium Smoker Consumed 11-20 cigarettes every day and smoking 31-60 minutes after wake up.

  • Standard Smoker, consumed about ten cigarettes a day and smoking 60 minutes after wake up.
If you are the Very Heavy Smoker guy, you don't have to waste your time to consume as that much. Try to decrease the numbers and be a Standard Smoker or try hard to freeze it now.

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